
If once you have received the product, you change your mind and wish to return it or change it for another, you can process the return with us, as long as it is done within 14 days following the delivery and as long as the product is unused and with its original packaging and labeling. Once we have checked the condition of the package, we will proceed to refund the amount paid for the article in the same form of financial transaction used to do the purchase.

Products can only be returned in exchange for a refund. If you wish to change the item for a different one, you shall follow the return procedure and, then, place a new order.

In order to process the return, you shall send the product to the address below, filling out the following form and indicating, in particular, the order number, so that we can correctly identify your transaction.

IMPORTANT: To be able to correctly associate the product you send with your payment transaction, so we can reimburse you the corresponding amount, a copy of the purchase invoice shall be attached to the package. Otherwise, the reimbursement period might be extended.

For more information and details, check our Withdrawal conditions.

Address: Camí del Mig 25, 1-2, 08349 Cabrera de Mar – Barcelona

Return form

* If, due to technical reasons, you have no access to his functionality, you can also send the notice of withdrawal via our contact form, as well as via our email address This notice must include absolutely all the data required in the form above.