Pursuant to the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and E-Commerce, the owner of this website with domain www.ridegemini.com is:

  • Registered in the Commercial Registry of Barcelona in Volume 45983, Sheet 180, Page B-505942
  • Tax ID No. (CIF) B-67034827
  • Registered office: C/ granada nº8, 08304, Mataró – Barcelona
  • E-mail: info@ridegemini.com 

The use of this website, owned by GEMINI COMPOSITES, S.L. (hereinafter “GEMINI”), involves the acceptance of the terms of use included in this Notice on behalf of the user. In the event that certain services, contents and/or tools offered through this website require the application of particular conditions, these will be made available to the user. On the other hand, GEMINI reserves the right to modify the contents and the services on this page, as well as the terms and conditions (among other reasons, to adjust them to new legislation, jurisprudence or business practices). If this were to happen, the users will be notified about the new terms and conditions when they access the page so they can go over them if needed. These conditions will be governed and complemented at all times by the provisions of Spanish law, and they will be subjected to the Spanish jurisdiction. If you have any problems or questions related to this website, please get in touch through our contact form or using our e-mail address: info@ridegemini.com 

If any of these provisions is declared to be null, void or ineffective, whether totally or partially, this will not affect the validity or efficacy of the remaining ones, which will continue to be binding for GEMINI and for the user. If either party (GEMINI and/or the user) waives their obligation to ensure the fulfilment of any of the covenants established herein, this will not imply a waiver in general nor will it vest a right on the other party.


2.1 General

When providing information to GEMINI in all those sections where entering personal details is necessary to conclude the commercial relationship with GEMINI, the user commits to providing information that is true, accurate and complete regarding their identity, address, contact method, and all those essential details for the good end of the commercial relationship. The user also commits to keeping all the personal details that may be provided to GEMINI up to date. Therefore, the user is the only person responsible for the falsehood or inaccuracy of the data submitted. Consequently, GEMINI is not responsible for the falsehood or inaccuracy of the data provided and disclaims any damages that they user may suffer as a result of said errors, defects or omissions.

2.2 Website Contents

In general, the services and contents offered through this website will be available in several languages. However, only the Spanish ones will be the main version and the one that will prevail in the event of ambiguity or conflict, without prejudice to the use of other languages, subject to GEMINI’s decision. GEMINI shall not be liable for the lack of understanding of the website’s language on behalf of the user, nor of the consequences thereof.

GEMINI may modify the contents of the website without prior notice, as well as delete or move them around within the website. GEMINI may also change the way the contents are accessed, freely and without any justification, and will not be liable for the consequences this may cause to the users.

2.3 Intellectual and Industrial Property

GEMINI is a registered trademark. All the contents of this website, included but not limited to texts, logos, graphics, images, its design and the intellectual property rights that may arise from such contents, as well as the brands, trademarks or any other distinguishing mark, are the property of GEMINI or the latter has a licence or express authorisation from the authors. Therefore, all rights are reserved on all the elements mentioned above. All the contents of the website are duly protected by the intellectual and industrial property regulations. The user commits to not carry out any acts that are against the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights.

GEMINI will offer the possibility of customising some of its products and models. These models, created using the customisation tool available for the customer, are under the intellectual property of GEMINI, who reserves the right of exploitation and modification of such models.

Any reproduction of the contents, totally or partially, in any way or form, whether mechanical, electronic, reprographics, or any other, as well as any other act of dissemination, public communication or disclosure, regardless of their intent, requires prior written authorisation from GEMINI. Any use that has not been previously authorised by GEMINI will be considered a severe breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights.

GEMINI will not be liable for the damages that may derive from the use of the contents on behalf of those who access this website or from the breach of any legal provision in force on their behalf.

To leave any comments regarding any possible breaches of the intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as comments concerning the contents of the website, you can use our contact form or our e-mail address: info@ridegemini.com.

GEMINI does not take any responsibility for the violation of the intellectual and industrial property rights that may occur. The authors of such violations will be the only ones responsible in this matter.

The user grants GEMINI a worldwide non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual licence, to sub-licence, reproduce, distribute, transmit, create work derived from, show and publicly perform any content or any other material or information (including product ideas or improved or new services) that is communicated to GEMINI by any means and in any form.

2.4 Limitation of Liability

In addition to what is established in the sections above, users who access this website will do so for lawful purposes only and they are committed to making a legal and suitable use of it at all times, according to these Terms of Use and the current legislation. This is, without undermining third parties’ rights and freedoms, and undertaking all the responsibilities, in the nature of damages, that may be held against GEMINI from illegal, unsuitable or prohibited practices, such as copy, disclosure, transformation, modification, and tampering, among others.

GEMINI will not be liable, and may hold users liable, for third-party damages that may be caused by the latter misusing the website, as well as possible viruses or computer software that may be placed, generated or hosted on the website and that deteriorate or may deteriorate both the contents and the proper use of it, and on the equipment, systems and programmes of the website’s server and users.

Similarly, GEMINI cannot be held liable for the interruption of the service, incorrect operation or impossibility to access the service, nor for damages derived from the lack of veracity, accuracy and timeliness of the contents, although best efforts will be made at all times to offer the user a top-quality service that strictly complies with all these parameters.

GEMINI may pursue remedies against the users for all claims, compensations, fines or administrative penalties held against it and that are the direct or indirect responsibility of the users of the website’s contents or services.

GEMINI takes no responsibility derived from the information published on this website, provided that such information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party external to it.

GEMINI takes no responsibility for the information and the contents stored, without limitation, in forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks, or any other means that may allow third parties to publish contents about this website independently.

In any case, GEMINI will immediately take down any content that may infringe national or international legislation, morals or public order, or if it involves a link to a third-party website, GEMINI will immediately withdraw redirection to such website, bringing the matter at issue to the attention of the competent authorities. If you believe there are contents on this website that may contravene national or international legislation, morals or public order, you are encouraged to notify us immediately through our contact form or using our e-mail address info@ridegemini.com.

Likewise, all users who are aware of an action that is deteriorating or that may deteriorate the proper functioning of this website, or that may modify or alter its contents, must let us know immediately.

2.5 Links

On this website, you may find links to third-party sites. GEMINI does not take responsibilities for external links to third-party websites that may be included on the website nor for their contents. Therefore, the user accesses the contents under their sole responsibility and in the terms of use that govern these third-party websites. These websites are not controlled by GEMINI nor covered by the Privacy Policy of this website. If you access other websites through the links provided, the operators of such websites may collect your personal information and use it for other purposes different to ours. Make sure that you accept the Privacy Policies of these third-party websites before you provide any kind of personal information.

GEMINI is not responsible for the reliability and speed of the hyperlinks that are incorporated to the website to open others, nor guarantees the usefulness of these links, nor is it responsible for the contents or services which users may access through these links, as well as the proper functioning of these websites.

GEMINI reserves the right to withdraw any of the links as soon as it becomes aware of the unlawfulness of its content or of the fact that it harms third-party goods or rights.

Using the contents of the website to promote, contract or disseminate advertising or information of their own or of third parties is prohibited without the authorisation of GEMINI. Sending advertising or information using the services or information made available to users, is also prohibited, regardless of whether the use is free of charge or not.

GEMINI expressly authorises third parties to redirect directly to the contents of our website, in any case redirecting to the main website (homepage).

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